Checkout my guest post on – How to make money blogging: Top 5 techniques for monetizing your blog
Complete Guide to Email Writing & Testing
Welcome to yet another post in the How to Make Your Blog Series. We have been through a long journey and are nearing the end of this series. Hopefully so far you have found answer to all your blog making question. If you have any unanswered queries do not hesitate to write in the comments […]
How to Create a Blog & Make Money from it – Blogging Basics
You are here on a blog and reading about blogging basics, so I can safely assume that you are looking to start a blog or are at least curious about the whole blog and blogging concept. So let’s first address your curiosity. Blogs are just like journals or diaries which many of you might have […]
Plugins your Blog Needs
In the previous part we had a look at theme selection. With the plethora of themes available, choosing one becomes a difficult task. Hopefully by now you have chosen your theme already. In case you have not, do so quickly, because we are moving ahead in this section. Today we will be looking at the […]
How to Write Content that brings in visitors
In the previous part we had a look at the different types of pages your blog needs and what should each of these pages contain. These pages form an essential part of your blog, and getting them right is important. Today we will be looking at content creation process. Content is the lifeline of your […]
Choosing the Right Theme for your blog - Part 4 of How to Make Your Blog
In previous part we had a look at the different Blogging Platforms available for your blog, and how they compare against each other. Once you have chosen your blogging platform, the next thing you need to decide on is Theme. Theme determines the aesthetics as well as functionalities of your blog to a considerable extent. […]