8 Secret Money making techniques for your blog

Hello there! In the previous post we had a look at how best to Secure your blog. Hopefully you have already implemented this step, since it's critical for your blog’s health. Also before you implement money making techniques on your blog it's imperative you secure you blog to ensure your earnings are well protected.

So we have finally reached the most exciting part of making your own blog. Techniques to make money from your blog. This is what you had created your blog for, done all the hardwork for, its time to get your hands on the money !

What you Will Learn:

  • PPC Ads
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Designing & Selling your own Product
  • Membership
  • Private Ads/ Banner Advertising
  • Freelancing
  • Sponsored post/ Paid Reviews
  • 8 Secret Techniques to make money from your blog
  • Conclusion 

Lets make some money.

Step 12: Blog Monetization Options

Pay Per Click Ads:

The most popular, easy to implement and quickest to start generating income, nothing works like running ads on your blog. You have the audience who advertisers want to reach out to. So your blog becomes the perfect medium to bridge the gap between audience and advertisers. since you are bridging the gap, the advertisers pay you for your help, and that's how ads on your blog will bring in moolah for you.

How does this work:



How to make most of this method:

What are your options:

Read How Nadya from Makes Money With Adsense

Affiliate Marketing:

Fairly easy to implement. Requires efforts in terms of marketing. Earning from affiliate marketing is totally dependent on your efforts. The better your marketing skills the more you can earn. People want to sell product, you have the audience who can buy the product. You bring the product to your audience, make a sale earn commission on it. Neat way to make money from your blog.

How does this work:



How to make most of it:

What are your options:

Sell digital product:

So the designing bug has bitten you. Are you are the creative type? Have you already created, or would like to create your own product? ed audience, Get on with it right away! And then use your blog to sell the product. Voila you are into making money with your blog. You blog has dedicated audience who already love your writing. Its time to wow them with your own special product. This is by far the best monetization technique for blogs. Most top bloggers design and sell their own digital products

How does this work:



How to make the most of it:

What are your options:

Membership Model:

You are already proving a lot of quality content to your audience via your blog. All this content you are giving out for free, not charging your audience a single penny for gaining from your knowledge. This is called the Free model. If you charge money for all your information its called the premium model. Membership sites work on the Freemium model, which is a amalgamation of the Free and Paid model. Here you provide free content on your blog, and also create a member only section where you provide exclusive resources to the members only. For this membership you might charge in a monthly/yearly or maybe even one-time. This way you can earn more from your knowledge.

How does this work:



How to make the most of it:

What are your options:

Private ads/Banner Advertising:

This is a fairly popular and commonly used monetization method in blogs across all niches. Its fairly similar to running Pay – ads are shown, per-click Ads. However the main difference here is control. While you cannot determine what type of ads show up on your blog, and how much you get paid for them in PPC; Private ads are just the opposite. You choose which advertisers you want to work with, what ads are shown for how long and how much you get paid for them.

How does it work:



How to make the most of it:

What are your options:


If you are a Pro in your field, then you can provide professional services in your niche to customers. A fashion blogger can provide personal shopper services, a financial blogger can provide financial planning services, and so on. If you know your niche well and are an expert in your area, then you can use your blog to showcase your skills and make money from them. This is a great way of using your blog to make money online/offline depending on the type of service you provide.

How does it work:



How to Make most of it:

What are your options:

Sponsored Post:

This is a relatively new way for bloggers to make money from their blogs. This technique works best for blogs with large social influence and good amount of loyal audience. Once your blog has large audience base, a post on your blog get exposure to lots of potential buyers for businesses in your niche. This exposure will turn into sales/participation/traffic or social chatter about their brand/product. This way they can reach out to a large audience in one go, and via a trusted source. Hence Sponsored posts are gaining popularity amongst companies looking to advertise.  Companies/person pays you money to write about him/her/their brand/product/initiative etc on your blog. So basically you get paid for writing post on your blog. Quite simple isn't it.

How does it work:

– Some post are done for gaining visibility amongst your audience

– Post to gain SEO advantage.



How to Make most of it:

What are your options:

You can also read this wonderful post CAN A BLOG MAKE MONEY WITHOUT ADS AND/OR SPONSORS? By Joyce.

8 Secret Techniques to make money from your blog

After Offers When user signs up for your email, other similar blogs are shown to them. If user sign up for them you earn money. A great passive way to monetize your blog.

Display related content & when users click on it earn money from it. You can  use different third party content discovery networks like ,, also via Comment plugins like Disqus

Google sends all kinds of traffic, and many a times this traffic is not so relevant. This adds up to your website’s bounce rate. How about making some money from this bouncing traffic. Use WP Bounce to display related products from Amazon with your affiliate code. If the viewer buys any product you can earn money off the bouncing traffic as well.

If your blog uses lot of captchas, this is a excellent monetization method. It takes an average user 14 seconds to solve a captcha. Some enterprising marketers have found that 14 seconds is long enough to advertise. All you need to do is place the relevant code on your blog, and sites like SolveMedia, Confident CAPTCHA, NLPCaptcha will do the rest, making sure you earn money every time a user solves a captcha.

Turn your old post into Whitepaper/report/pdf and offer it as freebie to attract more subscribers.

In case of older series post that are working well still, you can convert such series into ebook and reposition it as a product to be sold on your website or places like ClickBank, Amazon Kindle.

In case you have video's on your site make sure you monetize them too, via AdSense on YouTube. Also make sure to add annotation to your website, subscription page to all your video's.

If any of your post in either content or video format garners lots of comments and questions, you can look at the option of doing an in-depth ebook/tutorial/video series on the post & selling it for the right price

Monetize Pro have done an in-depth  article on monetizing different types of content read it up to know more monetization techniques for your content.

Also read – How to Make Money Blogging: How This Blog Makes $100K per Month by Jon Morrow


Mix up your monetization options. Do affiliate with own product, mix it with some Private ad space. Relying on one method only, is calling for disaster. Affiliate might stop, your own product might go through ups and downs of sales, advertisers might flock in or become far and few. Every money making technique has potential of failure and low times. To tide over such troughs, make sure your money making is mixed bag of techniques.

So get going and do tell me which monetization method is working best for you. Until next week, when we have a look at how to build email list for your blog.


Also read How To Make Money Online By Rafi Chowdhury

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